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"Thanks so much for your fantastic work. After 8 years it was not until I came to Accent that I felt comfortable and confident about the treatment I was receiving." ~ Malcolm C.

cosmetic dentistry accent dental

Invsisalign Go

Invisalign Go is a fantastic new offering developed by Invisalign which enables us to straighten front teeth for cosmetic purposes. While it doesn't allow for bite correction in your back teeth, it's a great solution if you have good but crooked front teeth (they may have simply crowded in the front over the years).

It is also an excellent adjunct to other cosmetic procedures as it can significantly reduce the need for any tooth preparation/reduction if done prior, to say, veneers or crowns.

If you are interested in this, give us a call and we can talk you through your options.

invisalign google review

Matt and Karen 2021 300 height

A natural aesthetic you'll love

Our team of cosmetic dentists is led by NZ dentist Dr. Matt Sumner.

Dr. Matt offer's complimentary 15 min consults for cosmetic dentistry treatments - if you're considering any of this for your teeth (Invisalign solutions for straightening teeth, fixing chipped, missing, worn down or broken teeth, new dental veneers, replacing dental veneers, dental makeovers, cerec crowns, implants, or even full mouth reconstructions (we do these too), please ask us about booking your 15min complementary consult with Dr. Matt, a NZ dentist, and Founding Member of the NZ Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (NZACD). Our focus is natural looking beautiful teeth that make you want to smile.These consults are appropriate if you want to talk through the options available to you, or just want a second opinion.

Please note we do offer payment plans on certain treatments. Also please see our 245+ Google Reviews.

