At Accent Dental we can replace your mercury amalgam fillings with dental tooth fillings that are made of composite - bonded onto your existing teeth after the amalgam is removed. These white fillings are virtually invisible and offer you a much whiter smile.
And when you laugh, it will appear as if you are completely filling-free!
Plus your new composite filling will bond onto your surrounding tooth enamel in a much better way than old style amalgam fillings, and in this way can make an otherwise fragile tooth much stronger (note; old style ones, while made from a stronger material, have the disadvantage of weakening the existing tooth as they require more of the existing tooth structure to be cut back).
Gold and ceramic alternatives
A dental tooth filling does not have to be made of composite material - you can also use gold or ceramic as other alternatives. In the creation of any new dental filling Accent is always amalgam free.
If you would like to know more about the replacement of amalgam fillings or about our principal dentist Dr. Matt Sumner, please call us today. We welcome new patients. Find out more.