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"Hi Matt, Thank you, your advice to replace those old amalgam fillings was the best thing I have done in years. Great professional advice and a great result." ~ Brian C.

cosmetic dentistry accent dental

Free Dental Care Teenagers

At Accent we offer free dental care to all adolescents from Year 9 at school up until the 18th birthday. (e.g children who are 12 and are in Year 9 are eligible, likewise, children who are 13 and are in Yr 8 remain with ARDS.) Adolescents do not have to be at school to be eligible. They are eligible to receive free basic dental treatments and services include:

  • Examinations
  • Radiographs (if required)
  • Preventative treatment such as fluoride application and fissure sealants         
  • Extractions (excludes orthodontic extractions)
  • Root canal fillings
  • Oral health education and encouragement to continue good oral health
  • Restorative treatment

All you need to do is enrol your child with us and we will be able to provide them with yearly exams, X-rays and all there dental care needs. We now  have an adolescent contract with the District Health Board to provide your teenager with this great service.  When your child turns 18 dental treatment in New Zealand is no longer free so make use of this opportunity to establish a good ongoing dental routine.

In addition to their free annual basic dental treatment, we recommend your teenager see a dental hygienist every 6 months.  Our oral hygiene fee for under our under 18 year old group is $80.  As most children in this age group have adult dentition, we aim to help them with a good oral home care plan for best results right from a younger age.  Oral hygiene maintenance appointments will include a scale and polish, periodontal assessment and an individual oral health care plan.

Contact us now to enrol your teenager for free annual basic dental treatment.

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Taking Care of Your Children

Our team of dentists is led by NZ dentist Dr. Matt Sumner. Dr. Matt is a founding member of the NZ Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (NZACD) and has been practising for over 25 years - he's also an Auckland local. We provide free routine care for teenagers from 13 years old until completion of secondary school.  We look forward to seeing you and your family member in the practice soon.