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"Dr. Matt has given me a beautiful, natural set of teeth that I will always be grateful for". ~ Beth

Dental Implants - Restore Your Smile


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A natural aesthetic you'll love

Our team of cosmetic dentists is led by NZ dentist Dr. Matt Sumner. Dr. Matt is a founding member of the NZ Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (NZACD) and has been practising for over 25 years - he's also an Auckland and Ponsonby local. 

Natural looking and long lasting, Dental Implants feel and function just like your original teeth and can last up to 30 years. If you're missing a tooth, a dental implant could help get you smiling again! Reach out to us today to find out more. 


Check Out Real Patient Implant Photos


Dental implants for more than one missing tooth

For more than one missing tooth, implant-supported bridges are a longer-lasting alternative; the bridge is supported by an implant, rather than by your other teeth. This avoids having to grind down your natural teeth, which can weaken them and cause problems in the long run.

Find out more on the pros and cons of tooth implants over other dental treatment options, or check out our implant case studies here. 

Think implant dentistry might be right for you? Get in touch with us now on 09 376 4374 or from our contacts page.

A dental team you can trust

As one of Auckland’s leading dental practises, we focus on bringing you the best in patient care and comfort – whether you just need a check up or a full set of implants.

Leading dentist Dr. Matt Sumner and his team of experts use state-of-the-art technology and cutting-edge techniques. Dr Summer is also a founding member of the Dental Implant Network group and the NZ Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, so you know you’re in good hands.

Our Auckland surgery has free parking just behind our building – make an appointment now, or call us on 09 09 376 4374.

Cost of tooth implants

The price of each new tooth is a significant investment for you, ranging from between $5500 and $6500 (when bone grafting is not required) for the creation of your new bionic tooth root and crown. We use the best lab in Auckland, the best Auckland implant specialist, and pride ourselve on superb craftsmanship along with a natural aesthetic. We know you'll enjoy the benefits this provides. Make sure you check out our case studies!



You can find out more about Dr. Matt here.

If you're considering consmetic dental work, please note we also offer 15 Min Complimentary Cosmetic Consults with Dr. Matt detailed below. Or call Lucy our Practice Manager to disucss your personal requrirements.

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